BlackJack Trainer.

BJSIM is a free Blackjack card counting Trainer easy to use  .
Choose a blackjack game and press Deal to play Blackjack right away .

Blackjack trainer and hints are avaiable at each step.

The blackjack chart will update depending on the options and rules of the game and dealer facing card.

Choose Blackjack games based on  :

1) Number of Decks

  • Single Deck
  • Double deck
  • Four deck
  • Six Deck
  • Eight decks
  • Or any other number of deck from 1 to 12 .


2) How Dealer handle soft 17:

  • Blackjack pay 3 to 2
  • Blackjack pay 6 to 5
  • Blackjack pay 1 to 1

3) How Dealer handle soft 17:

  • Dealer hits on soft 17
  • Dealer stands on soft 17

4) Blackjack Surrender :

  • Early blackjack Surrender  – Can surrender only after first 2 card even if A Shoes
  • Late Blackjack Surrender  – Can surrender only after first 2 card
  • Can surrender at any time

5) Blackjack Double Down :

  • Double down is allowed after splitting
  • Double down is not allowed after Split
  • Double down only allowed on 9 10 and 11
  • Double down only allowed on 10 11

6) How many time Split is allowed;

  • Split is allowed 2 times
  • Split is allowed 3 times
  • Split is allowed 4 times

7) How Many times Split Aces is allowed :

  • Split Aces is allowed 2 times
  • Split Aces is allowed 3 times
  • Split Aces is allowed 4 times

BJSIM Extra feature:

1) Blackjack game you would like to practices

  • Normal Mode
  • Split Mode
  • Soft Mode

2) Blackjack insurance 

  • Buy Insurance for less
  • Ability to take always or never or ask for insurance

3) Single or multi player 

BJSIM trainer goal is to have the player to play perfect blackjack strategy. You start with $0 of play money so you can see your Win or Lose clearer.

Your goal is to make the perfect strategic decision each time. You can start by click hint to get the correct blackjack strategy decisions.

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BlackJack online dealer school - interactive blakcjack game.


BlackJack Card couting training  - interactive blakcjack game.

Play Blackjack for fun.

While the Blackjack game is playing player will be asked questions about the cunt and BJSIM will score the player.